Thursday, July 30, 2009

To remove Norton stuff will not be repaired

Here are the tips to remove Norton stuff will not be repaired.

Let me guess, you sit at your computer right now, and is convinced that something is simply not true. You need a quick scan of Norton antivirus and no problems arise, which means that nothing has been solved, and the virus is still hiding somewhere in your computer. That could be, but before you try these simple, no tricks, you can only save the team.

First, before you download the programs to ensure that before performing a scan with Norton Antivirus, which ran an update. Without the updated virus database, there is a very good chance that Norton has missed the May issue simply because of the absence of a definition of virus. Many viruses are every day, so be sure to check often for updates from Norton or set it to automatically update it often. If the program is updated and not yet collected the virus definitions, but you know something is wrong, there are some approaches you can use, depending on what your problem is.

If you have a file in a folder or on the desktop that has no end and was not there before using the following procedure. First, absolutely sure that this file is not a system file. Often you can enter the file name in a Google search and search results. In general, if most of the warnings search results on file with an infection, it is necessary to remove it. You can try to delete this file if it is an infection just by right clicking and selecting delete, but if you're like most viruses, the chances are not so easy to remove. He can say, "Can not delete this file because it is in use." When this problem occurs, download the program file Assassin sassin/ ml, or a similar program in hopes that allows you to delete locked files.

If the problem is simply that the computer or Internet is running unusually slow, you can install an anti-spyware program like Spybot Search and Destroy (http://www.safer-networking.o rg / en / download / index.html) . Even with this program or any other anti-spyware, be sure to update before the election to a full system scan. Spybot Search and Destroy is useful in this way because it is a free tool that allows you to solve the problems that she simply selecting "Fix selected problems" After the scan is complete. If you do the team and can start again, as usual!

If you have an anti-spyware program and the computer is still slower than usual, try using a registry cleaner like ccleaner ( Also be sure to update the program before performing a scan. Norton and Spybot usually the upgrade option when you are in the program or in a bar that is on this page, simply click to update it. Ccleaner to clean if you choose to do, and select Remove All. After this exploration, make sure you also for the scanning of the problems by selecting "Questions" on the left a bar after this scan and remove the files found.

If all else fails, and the team remains an unwanted file is still running slowly, or try a system restore. Click on "My Computer" followed by "Control Panel". When the Control Panel, select Performance and Maintenance. " Click System Restore and follow the instructions step by step instructions on a restore point and restore data from your computer at an earlier date.

If this still does not disable the System Restore, as viruses often hide in this file and virus scan (with an updated anti-virus software, of course) in Safe Mode. To enter Safe Mode, just restart the computer before the load and press the F5 key and use the arrow keys to move the system from the list. Once a system restore or upgrade your Norton Anti-Virus and run a full scan again. When you restart the computer and the problem is still there try to have someone trust is good with computers for the help. Best of luck!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Defining computer safety concerns

Here my thought on defining computer safety concerns.

Information is a great value. It always has been, but she feels today, each of us. In particular, the security issues of information technologies of the bad influence of PC users, especially if it online. The sweets are fair for Standalone. The Net has many surprises. Today, we discuss information to be processed.
Viruses and worms
Viruses have a long history.

It was for the various OSes and devices. In addition, Smart-Phone, there is a virus. Among the beginners and users a lot of earth, we meet two errors similar. First, fear of viruses. Second, the abandonment of the virus.
Fear, panic is rarely capable of reliable protection against something. Thereafter, the users, intimidated by viruses, but do not know what it is and how it fights, the fear, for programs in the Internet. His computers acquired two or three anti-virus, rather harmless in the event of the window with a question on the decision or sanction of macros in Microsoft Word, users intimidated broke with cold sweat - the user is somewhere, that this macro-virus and fully, in a word "macro" is for him a value against one virus. Why does the panic Horror viruses bad? He seemed to protect the three anti-virus, your computer must recalls unnahbar digital fortress, the reliability of the information. But all is not so simple. It is amusing to observe in such "super-protected" is not a firewall. Its owner does not yet know that, in addition to viruses, there are a multitude of risks.
Firewall is to combat the danger. But it's not all. After discussion of information security password, the person, the users - it should be protected. For example, and points out what may be the protection against stress, if the person afraid of viruses? The user must closely with viruses. Accordingly, it will not be successful. It is the loss of information or working slowly. We lost passwords.

So, let's at hand, what viruses. Let's talk about their opportunities and they can damage to your system.
Viruses are programs that replace humans.
To write a virus that is not necessary for programmers high skill level. Although most of the dangerous virus, new viruses for the new operational and other things tend to be professionals.

The classic virus does not destroy it. Main function is redundant - which is an infection of files and distribution. In fact, the concept of a "virus" not "final" definition. The number of answers, "that this type of virus, but almost every definition may be subject to criticism. It is possible, some examples of viruses that are not covered by this definition.

Regarding the classification of viruses, it is rather complex issue. Programs, but under the name "virus" is possible for three as a minimum. The first, the virus, the main task is duplicated. The second, to the network - viruses that are distributed, you can use a communication network. In this category is possible, Worms - they are using e-mails. And the third type is called Trojan horse - in general, they are not multiple copies, but even destructive functions, or they are for flight information.

In general, real viruses combine several functions. For example, can be a post-worm to infect all files on a local computer to copy and nature and in combination, and sending copies via e-mail. In addition, many viruses destructive functions.
The category of spyware programs and utilities for managing latent. These programs, in general, to create by hand (or with the hook on a computer network), then a spy for the user.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Scan Computer Online For Viruses

Here's my thought about scan computer online for viruses.

There are many online antivirus on the Web. Using one or all of them can help keep your computer clean of viruses, in May and to help detect viruses on your installed antivirus software might miss.

Symantec security check, for example, is an excellent online scanner. Offering not only antivirus software online, but also a complete scan of your computer security.

And it's absolutely free. You must accept an ActiveX control to use this resource.

In the current climate of the computer, especially if you spend much time online, it is important to have protection. However, a scanner can give you some more protection. It can also help if you use a program such as Avast free virus, which in May does not offer as much protection as Norton or McAfee.

First click the red "virus scan" icon. If you agree with Symantec's user agreement and privacy policy and agree to accept the ActiveX control, you're on your way to your scanner. This may take several hours, so be patient. The program will provide a full report when completed.

Once the virus is finished, click the yellow icon for Security Scan. The exploration will give you an idea of where their vulnerabilities are and how to solve them. Security Scan of your exposure to hackers and other threats, including Trojan horses, regular antivirus software can not protect against.

Trend Micro HouseCall is an online virus scanner free. It requires Active X or Java to work in your browser. You can choose between the plug-in browser or the Java version. Unlike Norton Antivirus online scan, Trend Micro HouseCall can effectively remove viruses from your computer system. Trend Micro HouseCall is the first on-line virus scanner for the ICSA Labs Certification

Kaspersky Anti-Virus free download also requires an Active X. However, if you have installed Kaspersky Online Scanner Pro, you must uninstall the browser-based or scanner will not work correctly. In addition, the software only works with Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. The scanner uses heuristics to detect unknown viruses. Kaspersky does not remove the malicious code. Can not detect it.

Depending on the service you use, the virus probably take a long time. Even if you're browsing online, the team should download the software and virus definitions for your scanner to work properly. However, the virus scanners on the Internet is a valuable tool to keep your computer free against infections.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Virtumonde Trojan Virus Removal

Here's mu thought about Virtumonde Trojan Virus removal.

You are always receiving annoying pop-up messages that indicate that spyware has been detected on your computer? Is your home page of your internet browser has been changed, without contact with you? Or maybe your computer is extremely slow and all backgrounds and screen savers have been somewhat changed, and you can not solve the problem. Now, all these symptoms of being infected with Trojan VirtuMonde and when you click one of the scenarios above, then I fear that the computer is concerned. The Trojan VirtuMonde is one of the most dangerous spyware is about and if they are infected, do not go around and chaos immediately. Then, to learn to VirtuMonde remove from your computer to read this article, as I will show you exactly how it is today.

A VirtuMonde is a form of a trojan virus and how all the trojan is installed on your computer through deception. Usually infects the computer when you download a file, and desirable, if you open the virus in feathers and host harmful and dangerous activities. VirtuMonde viruses have the potential for recording and monitoring of personal data on your computer, which means you can have your bank details, credit card information, passwords, etc. You also have the ability to install and deploy other applications such as hazardous spyware, adware and malware, which will lead to further infection.

The most common form of infection is characterized by a vulnerability in Java, while many others infected by installing codec to play certain songs or videos to download. If you have a song or video, and that requires a codec to play, then it is surely a virus VirtuMonde in it, do not install codec! Other ways you can meet are unlawful VirtuMonde using Web sites that the virus in their content uploaded or downloaded from torrent or P2P networks.

Well, if your computer is infected, it is often pop-up windows, you must download anti-virus or anti-spyware in order to solve the problem. The most common of these pop-up WinFixer2005, WinAntiVirus Pro 2006, WinAntiSpyware and RazeSpyware, SysProtect and WinFixer. All these programs are fake, do not download one of the programs mentioned above, are rogue spyware files and their purpose is to infect other computers.

Then back to the magic question, "How VirtuMonde remove from your computer. Now the nature of Devious VirtuMonde and why they are in a variety of forms, there is no easy way to remove without the help of a good anti-spyware tool. Even some of the best known names in anti-spyware can not bring the Trojans. This is because if a virus is eliminated simply replicate itself with a new name so that it is very difficult to identify and hunt. You can use the "Add / Remove Programs" utility to remove the virus, but when you restart the computer simply reinstall itself under a new name. Even with the registry (for example, if you lived enough to use it) is of little use because the virus rename with random names in random directories make it very difficult to track down and delete them manually. Nonethelles if you want to make an attempt to find just as VirtuMonde by registration "into Google and you should have a series of tutorials that walk through the entire process. Remember to manually remove the virus is not to prevent in the future, and if you like, are not affected by this deadly virus, in the future, then you should give serious consideration receive some form of spyware protection if you have not already done so.

I have a specific program that is incredibly adept at finding and removing viruses VirtuMonde and many other forms of spyware, like trojans, worms, Zlob, etc. The program can be any kind of virus Vundo in the case of spyware, adware or other kind of malware. You XoftSpySE is a great tool that has helped my computer RID VirtuMonde virus, and the best part is that it provides real-time protection against future threats. So I was assured I have never on any of these trojan viruses again.

Therefore, if your computer is infected with this trojan virus, and is desperately trying to find out how VirtuMonde from your computer, so I have to say, is the bleak hope for manual removal methods. The virus will probably be back, and beyond, the computer is still the danger that other viruses. Therefore we ask you a favor and a good anti-spyware tool if you have not already done so, proceed, it is the only way to completely remove VirtuMonde Trojan and remain protected from other viruses in the future.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Three-pronged Trojan attack threatens security on the Internet.

Here another info about Trojan Attack.

Glieder (Win32.Glieder.AK), Fantibag (Win32.Fantibag.A) and Mitglieder (Win32.Mitglieder.CT) are not names of a modern day version of The Three Musketeers. These are Trojans engineered for a hacker attack that will infect computers
and open them for use in further attacks.

"Combating computer viruses is essentially a game of hide and seek," says Govind Rammurthy, CEO, MicroWorld Technologies, among the leading Security Solutions providers. "Hackers riding piggyback on viruses have only a short window of opportunity to maximize their gain before the viruses are detected, neutralized and logged into Virus Definition databases, 'vaccinating' the system against those strains.

Without continuing system vulnerability caused by virus infection there is little they can do to further their malicious ends like stealing personal information, credit card details and other sensitive and vital data. To achieve their ends they need to keep the system vulnerability going for more time. This co-ordinated Trojan threat is an attempt to the keep that 'backdoor' open, essentially buying time," he concludes.

Of the three, Glieder leads the initial charge. It sneaks past anti-virus protection to download and execute files from a long, hard-coded list of URLs and "plant" the infected machine with "hooks" for future use. On Windows 2000 and Windows XP machines, it attempts to stop and disable the Internet Connection Firewall and the Security Center service (introduced with Windows XP Service Pack 2). Then the Trojan accesses the URL list to download Fantibag. The way is now paved to launch the second stage of attack.

Sulabh, a tester with MicroWorld Technologies says of Fantibag, "Now Fantibag goes about attacking the networking feature of the infected system to prevent it from communicating with anti-virus firms and denying access to the Microsoft Windows Update site. It closes your escape route by making it impossible to download an anti-virus solution and any subsequent Windows security patch to your system. Effectively it helps Mitglieder (the third stage Trojan) open the 'backdoor' by shutting the other doors on you."

Mitglieder puts the system under complete control of the attacker by opening the 'backdoor' on a port using which the attacker can update the Trojan, to stay a step ahead of attempts to remove it, download and execute files, initiate an SMTP server to relay spam, execute files on the infected computer and download and execute files via an URL. "This is what makes it scary," say Aarti, Assistant Manager, QA, MicroWorld Technologies. "The fact that the system can now be used as a remote controlled 'soldier' (bot) in an army (botnet) of similarly compromised machines to launch criminally motivated attacks, causing harm to Internet users."

Botnets thus formed can among other things, use your machine to launch Distributed Denial of service attacks which overload servers, making them crash, to send out spam, spread new Malware, plant Keylogger to retrieve your personal information like identity, passwords, account numbers etc., install Spyware, manipulate online polls/games, abuse programs like Google AdSense to cheat advertisers of revenue, and install Advertisement Addons for financial gain as in fake websites advertising services that don't exist.

"Botnets can even encompass over 50,000 host machines. The potential for mischief is huge," reflects Govind Rammurthy. "Such a three-pronged Trojan attack where attackers change their virus code and release viruses quickly to bypass virus signature scanners, then disable network access to deny the user link-ups to anti-virus and Microsoft Windows Update site for protection has huge significance for virus-signature based protection. It is a sign of things to come," he says, remembering the scramble at MicroWorld labs to update their products to detect and remove the three Trojans.

Anti-virus updates for the three-pronged Trojan threat are available at MicroWorld Technologies site.
Maybe the time for worrying about some pimply teenager turning out malicious code because they have nothing better to do on a nice sunny morningFree Web Content, is over. The world could be facing a determined organized crime syndicate who'll stop at nothing to get what they want - information precious to you.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

ZLOB - The trojan virus

Zlob is a virus of Trojan horse which attacks your systems as Active X.

What is Zlob?

Zlob is a virus of Trojan horse which attacks your systems as Active X. Once these Trojans get installed it shows some adds of pop ups. The ads which these Trojans show will be same as that of warning popup of windows. Later the user will also be informed that his system has been spyware infected. On clicking at the ads of these popup some pirated programs of anti-spyware gets automatically downloaded for ex: MS Antivirus, Virus heat etc. The Trojan horse will be well hided in this stuff which you download.


It was discovered for the first time on 23rd of April in the year 2005. It was updated for the first time on 1st of June in the year 2006. From the mid of the year 2006 it was highlighted.

From which sites the Zlob attacks?

It is mainly found in some sites for messaging and gaming. In messaging some sites to be specially mentioned are Yahoo messenger, AOL instant messenger, Windows live messenger etc. In gaming the games to play online mainly War craft, Call to Arms, Counter Strike etc hides this Trojan.

A firm of computer security called F secure have discovered about 32 different types of Zlob Trojans. Some of these types are: rogue DNSFree Web Content, DNS changer etc. This process is till going on for the discovery of some more of them. The make attempts in hacking the routers for changing the settings of DNS. Hence it results in potential rerouting in trafficking of some illegal websites. These viruses also have links in downloading the instalments of anti virus exe.

Automatic shutdown and automatic restarts is one of its main symptoms. When the file called ‘zlberkfer.exe’ is attempted to run it results in this symptom.

Some sites offer videos to watch freely online. Clicking on these videos it asks to download the illegal codec of Active X. This results in difficulties to close the browser in a usual way. The java cab which offers the free scanning will also freely offer you this virus.

How to prevent the attacking of this Trojan?

1. First of all the important measure is not to log into illegal websites.
2. Be aware when you are chatting on super fast messengers.
3. Don’t download anything from websites which shows you pop ups ads.
4. Be careful when you are playing online games.
5. Please do not download illegal anti spyware software which is mentioned to be available freely.
6. Do not choose the ads which show you illegal winning offers.

How to easy remove this Trojan if attacked?

It also involves the same steps involved in other Trojans. These Trojan only attacks the computers but fails in attacking its own files. Hence it is easy to identify these files and soon they have to be removed. Some Trojans changes the starting up system. Hence if it is ignored it will turn out to be highly dangerous. The removal tools of Malware and some antivirus software are the best option to go with for removal of these viruses.

There are some proofs that the Trojan Zlob is a tool originated in Russia.

Monday, July 20, 2009

How to Kill Trojan Horse Virus Easily?

Here's some tips on how to kill trojan virus horse easily.

Do you wish to learn how to kill Trojan horse virus easily on your computer? These harmful programs are able to hide themselves from detection by typical anti virus software on a PC by changing themselves into a state that security programs are unable to detect.

They can hide inside spyware and adware programs and enter your system together with any files that are infected by them. Trojans has always been one of the most difficult and tedious problems to deal with in today's PC security industry. General malware and virus removal software will have a hard time dealing with Trojan viruses because of their more advanced capabilities.

1. What Are Some of the Common Symptoms of a Trojan Horse Attack?

A Trojan that has attacked a computer system can cause it to show some symptoms. For example, the user may find some of the selection options in the Start Menu missing, standard keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + Alt + Delete to be not working, the computer may crash often or even restart by itself, processing and Internet explorer speed slow down significantly, weird pop up advertisements and unauthorized redirecting of the user to other websites, files opening by themselves randomly, changing of desktop wallpaper and web browser homepage, plus many more. All these effects are very irritating and can be potentially harmful for the user.

2. How to Kill Trojan Horse Virus Easily?

You can choose to find these malicious software manually to delete them, but I would personally not recommend it as it is both dangerous and time consuming. The best and fastest method today is to download the best updated anti-spyware and anti-virus protection software to help you get the job done.

3. What Can a PC Antivirus and AntiSpyware Program Do?

This type of PC security software can perform a thorough scan into your entire system and find 99.9% of all known errors. It will then generate a final report that tells the user what the bad files it has found are. Once the software has done this, you can then first choose to repair the file. If the file cannot be repaired, you will then have to decide if the file is too important to be deleted.

This is the reason why attempting to find erroneous files manually to delete is very dangerous especially for less technical PC users. They may end up deleting wrong files like the command executable file that will end causing the whole system to be unable to start up. A good protection can also give you proper advice on how to solve such problems.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Backdoor Trojan Virus

Here's my thought about Backdoor Trojan Virus.

Are you looking for ways to remove backdoor Trojan virus from your computer? The World Wide Web is a great tool for transmitting information, but can act against you if you do not take sufficient measures to protect your own confidential information.

The is a lot of sensitive information that can be very dangerous when stolen from you, such as your business or personal account names, passwords and your credit card number and details. In this article, I will further elaborate on the threat of a backdoor Trojan virus and how you can get of it quickly and easily.

1. What is a Backdoor Trojan Virus?

This type of virus creates a backdoor for external hackers to access the system. The owner of the attacked computer is usually completely unaware of it going on, and the hacker is then able to steal sensitive information stored in the PC or perform other more malicious attacks. With a backdoor Trojan virus, the attacker gains unauthorized access and is able to remotely control the computer without the owner knowing it.

2. What is Exactly is a Backdoor and What is its Threat?

A backdoor is not like a worm in the sense that it cannot replicate itself repeatedly and spread. Instead, a backdoor is an unlocked communications port in a computer that allows a hacker to control the system's data and functions. The attacker can do various things like read, delete, edit files as well as steal log in information and passwords.

3. Download Backdoor Trojan Virus Removal Software

This type of software is the fastest way to get rid of malicious programs like Trojan virus. I have listed some of the best and most reputable cleaner at my site which you can visit at the website link below.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Removing A Trojan Virus

Here are the tips on Removing A Trojan Virus.

What would be if we could remove this trojan virus from your computer within minutes and a few simple steps? How could it help to know that you are protected against further attempts by spyware or viruses from infecting your computer? Well both can be done fairly easily if you are willing to follow the advice below.

First, you need to know exactly what the virus is a Trojan horse and how it can be harmful not only for the computer, but your finances.

Although most people believe that the virus is a Trojan horse that is it a virus - that the reality is actually a Trojan horse is a type of spyware that is written in order to retrieve vital information from your computer, such as passwords, even if the credit card and bank account.

And it does so with the two primary methods - the first record from your keyboard, surfing habits, and other models of behavior and send this information to a remote server, or in the worst cases, the Trojan can give full access to a and allow remote attacker can take complete control of your computer.

This is why the viruses and spyware so protection is critical in an age of Internet, because most people think that having the infection is nothing more than a nuisance, the reality is that it is very more dangerous than that.

How do I delete a Trojan Virus Off My Computer?

Like a Trojan horse is smart, stealthy and can hide deep within the file system on your computer and / or to register, manual removal is almost impossible. Many people are led to believe that you can simply delete some files and eliminate the infection from a Trojan horse, but this is not the case. Often, there are literally dozens of files or more than a Trojan horse virus writing to the computer.

The best way to completely remove the virus Trojan horse on your computer is to download and install a high removal tool spyware. This is the only way to find and delete all files and entries with a Trojan infection - but there is another important point to consider installing a Spyware Remover and the majority of people, and is this:

Using a spyware removal that includes real-time protection, and most of the best do, make sure that your computer will be protected against further attempts by Trojan horses and other spyware d 'infect your computer, first because they are blocked at the point of origin by the software to remove spyware.

Here's the bottom line - if it is infected by one, the best way to not remove a trojan virus on your computer, but also to protect your computer and your personal information against hackers is to download and install a tool high-end for the removal of spyware that includes a real-time protection - will be glad you did.

Do not ruin your computer or the risk of personal financial information compromised - remove this Trojan virus before it is too late.

How Trojan Programs Harm Your Computer

What I know on how trojan programs harm your computer.

A Trojan horse is an executable file, which usually conceals a useful program that is relevant to the user. The reality is an "evil" that arrive in your inbox an e-mail disguised as a cool game or a screen saver.

The Trojan may also, as some other interesting applications. The difficult and dangerous part is that these often harmful attachments seem to be from a friend, when in reality, it is by the enemy, which has infected your friend and that unconsciously harm the program for you.

If you downloaded and run (RUN), this type of program can be very dangerous for your computer. To ensure that you are not infected by a Trojan, a good rule of thumb is to not download files from strangers and even leery of opening attachments from people you know. Before opening any system, it is good practice to check with the sender, whether intentionally sent to you before you download a file and run it.

Once the trojan has been installed and executed, the file is enabled and may lead to chaos in a program running on your computer. The Trojans are in contrast with viruses, because viruses are a sort of code of self-replicating, which leads to a host file and can not operate without the host as a managed, while the Trojan horse that can provide themselves. The reason is that the trojan is a program in itself is not malicious code into another program, such as viruses.

The Trojan horse, like the ancient Greek army during the Trojan War, with tricks and masquerades as a useful program to access your computer. It is appropriate, because it belongs next to every other computer program applications. The Trojan does not replicate itself, but with just one click of the mouse may be sufficient to damage if not reply to damage. The exploiters Trojans may have the number and control the computer.

If your system is infected with a trojan, the computer is often wrong. Trojan can cause massive damage to your computer system and personal transactions. With the activation of destructive programs, Trojan horse, the computer is open to many types of vulnerabilities and exploits. Data can be erased, personal information and passwords may be compromised, destroyed the files, or an unauthorized user may have full access to the system and perhaps even control.

Preventive measures will help ensure that your computer is free from Troy. This is a wise idea to educate yourself and learn to not as a "stunt" with the warmth of Troy, which is the strongest form of protection. They protect themselves by updating the operating system with the latest versions and patches, install antivirus and firewall software and make sure it is updated regularly. In addition to install a good spyware is a program of preventive measure to protect your computer.

Trojan programs can really do damage to your computer and your personal life, when the personal computer business. Nothing is ever 100%, but with the knowledge and proactive, you can significantly reduce the chances of the infected computer.

Trojan Roots

Here's my thought about Trojan Roots.

Last year my computer was one of the first order by a new Trojan horse virus. We visited the website or something wrong with the Trojan virus embedded in them. We almost lost our computers and everything in it. Thank God our computer back every night. The Trojan virus was so new that our anti-virus security do not know how to control them. We have been in contact with people who produce our anti-virus and security software that deals with the daily updates. We gave them access and control over our computer. They managed to block the virus, stop the computer from which any further.

They immediately send an update that is limited to stop this virus from infecting other computers with their virus protection. They let us know that our computer may be infected for a while ', but was contained and would not be able to do more damage. Once you find a way to kill the virus, it sends an update and that would clean our system.

The Trojans struck us was designed to damage our computers. It 'been programmed to destroy data. There are other types of trojan. Some are programmed so that one third of remote access to your computer. This is a remote administration trojan. This may be to see your data, or just to fight with him. It is often used to steal passwords for the victim or the registry. In addition to upload, download, run files, and more. Scary thought is that actually turn a web cam and see what to do, every time.

A Downloader / Dropper is that meaning and purpose is to download another program on your computer.

The remote administration usually a Trojan horse program is to download to your computer. A server of Trojan creates a file server on the victim's computer. This allows the hacker to upload or download files. A Trojan server is often used to load a remote administration trojan, take control of your computer to hackers. Another type of Trojans used to do this, which is a security software to disable it. You can use the hackers in the past, your security, usually with the intention of creating a program for remote administration.

This is a unique type of trojan around. The aim is not to destroy data or control on your computer to secure your data. No, it is gaining control of your computer, and many others, so that at a certain time when all add third computer. This was done to is that not long ago.
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